Fiona Cassidy

Fiona Cassidy
Author, Mother, Thirty Something...

Friday, 1 October 2010

And it Was Perfect....

Well folks,

Where were you all last night when you should have been in the great city of Derry celebrating with the one and only Claire Allan who had her first ever book launch on the publication of her fourth book! Our Claire has never been one for putting herself in the limelight so I, for one, was delighted to see her shining in all her glory last night in front of an amazing crowd in her staggeringly high but very gorgeous turquoise heels!

There were books aplenty, there was wine and Shloer (for me and my babby), there were very delicious tomato sandwiches (have developed a fetish for tomatoes in my pregnant state so was very grateful for their inclusion on the menu) and there was homemade chocolate cake (made by the very talented Jack Hagan) and homemade carrot cake made by Claire's Auntie Lorraine and before you two start threatening spatula's at dawn again (like, seriously you should see Claire's facebook page...there's fighting talk and discussions about having a bake-off now) they were both absolutely beautiful and I had two small pieces of each (one for me and one for the babby of course...eating for two and all that!)

Claire made a speech, Claire's son Joseph made a speech (it's the stage for that boy I think) and Claire's Mammy made a speech or rather read aloud the very first thing that was published by Claire (aged 8 I might add) which we all found very funny whilst Claire sat looking mildly shocked and just a wee bit red faced!

After the launch myself and my good friend Carrie Ann (who is originally a Derry wan who was very proud to be in attendance) made our way to the very gorgeous Karma on Derry's Strand Road where we indulged in cocktails (one measly Cosmopolitan for me followed by five glasses of water), tapas food and a lot of craic mostly provided by Claire's aunties who are an entertaining lot!

We left at around 12:15am after Carrie Ann had a pink fit because the bar closed and she wanted another cocktail (she's well named that one...feckin Carrie Bradshaw wouldn't have a look in...ahem) and then went home guided by the stupid sat nav that took me the most convoluted lonliest route home where there were literally no houses, no lights and I would have peeed myself had we been unfortunate enough to have had a flat wheel! Thankfully we didn't and we all got home safely...still basking in the glory of two girls who've had a brilliant night!!

It's Got to Be Perfect is out now and you must buy it...that is an not mess with a pregnant woman giving you an instruction!! I mean it (just ask my other half!!)

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