Fiona Cassidy

Fiona Cassidy
Author, Mother, Thirty Something...

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Stepping into the Shoes of Others...

We all have days where we believe we have it tough and life is incredibly unfair! We rage over the actions of others who seem to be hell bent on causing stress and destruction wherever they go and whinge constantly that we've been dealt a cruel blow! I've been feeling like that quite a lot lately as I've had various large traumas to deal with (whilst being pregnant and prone to sniffing, which doesn't help, believe me) but got a wake-up call today when I read the story of a remarkable woman who you would think had the life of Reilly and not a care in the world...until you read what she has been through and, it has to be said, nearly die of shock whilst trying to stem the tears in equal measure!

I have been lucky enough to be interviewed by the lovely Lynsey Dolan on Dublin's Countrymix radio station twice now and meeting her in person is a real treat (especially when she tells you that she read three quarters of your latest book in one go and loved it!!) She is a vivacious character with a husky voice and a penchant for hilarious facebook posts but today for the first time I learnt how she has been struck by tragedy throughout her life and feel truly humbled. This brave lady, after experiencing quite a turbulent childhood, has lost two sons, Greg to a cot death some years ago and two years ago, her son Chris was killed in a car accident in Australia. I cannot begin to contemplate the pain and anguish that any parent must experience when they lose a child in tragic circumstances and take my hat off to this wonderful woman with her lust for life and cheerful disposition in the face of what must be a terrible cross to bear.

You are an inspiration to us all Lynsey and as I am a strong believer in angels I have no doubt that your sons are at your side spurring you on and feeling incredibly proud of their amazing mother!

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