Hi everyone,
Am a relative newbie at this lark but like everything else in life I'll give it a go once and if I like it I'll stay....and I do believe I like it! You can look forward to seeing my quirky observations on life (and there will be plenty...I have lots to say plus I am the mother of two teenagers and a toddler and part-time cleaning lady/housekeeper/chauffeur/carer/clothes buyer and confidante to my partners teenage children so an official woman of the world!) I also need some light relief in the darker hours (like when all the teenagers are in the house at once and the testosterone, oestrogen and general awkwardness may well overpower me....arrrrrrggghhhh.) I also write books....is it any wonder I write books? I think you'll find not! I have lots to write about! I'm a mother, I'm an adopted child who has never found her birth mother and most of the time I'm so tired I think I must be mad but I'm someone who nevertheless enjoys life and loves to laugh! Oh yes I love to laugh as I employ the philosophy that laughing is much better than crying any day of the week and judging by the reviews I've been getting so far my readers agree with me!
My second book Anyone for Me? came out on 2nd August and this past few weeks have been rather crazy to say the least but I have a feeling that I'm going to have to reign myself in a little as important things are on the horizon (taps side of nose in a furtive manner) and all will become clear soon!
As this is my very first blog I would like to include in it some things that may be of interest to you...for instance my good friend and fellow author Claire Allan has just landed herself a Norwegian book deal for her second book Feels Like Maybe....the question on everyone's lips...how will she communicate with the Norwegians?...nah...we're wondering how exactly the lovely Nordic people are going to translate the word 'feck' because quite frankly the book wouldn't be the same without it!!
I was in Belfast last week (recording my very first vomit inducing TV appearance which turned out well in the end) and met the lovely Sharon Owens for the first time...that's her and I pictured above doncha know! She is a legend in my eyes (Oh God I'm turning into one of my children...everyone is a legend according to their figure of speech these days) but Sharon truly is one and I was delighted to meet her! Dream come true if you must know! I've spent many a happy day curled up with The Teahouse on Mulberry Street, The Ballroom on Magnolia Street and The Tavern on Maple Street - all wonderful books set in Belfast that everyone should take a look at!
Off to bed now where I am currently reading Ciara Geraghty's new book Becoming Scarlett! Just finished Roisin Meaney's Love in the Making last night and it was fabulous....it's lovely actually having time to read these days although I'm sure if my lovely agent Emma Walsh happens to read this she'll be asking where exactly I'm getting the time as I have a book to write in ooooooh around three months?! On second thoughts maybe I should bring the laptop to bed (where I will manage to hit Philip up the chin with it at least three times) and leave Ciara where she is for now!
Catch you all later I hope!
Fiona xx
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