What is sensible about it I wonder? For those of you who don't live in my corner of the world Sense is the name of a teenage disco that my daughter Una (she who is pictured pursing the lips 'posh' style and looking everywhere but the camera) and her friends are attending tonight and to say that there would have been less fuss getting ready for a wedding would be an understatement!
False tan...when I was 13 I would have presumed you were talking about a pair of orange looking tights as opposed to the stuff that I was slathering on legs with a mitt that was too feckin big and kept sliding off!
Then there was the make-up...I am sure that Boots themselves would have needed fourteen members of staff to re-stock their shelves with what was spread all over my kitchen worktops and table in preparation for this night out not to mention the glitter that I will no doubt still be grinding into the floor and finding on my clothes until Christmas?!
Then there was the hair...to curl or not to curl...to spray or not to pass out with the fumes of sticky hair mist that were invading the air and in danger of making us all high...although Una and her friends were high enough for us all I think?!
As for Philip he took to our bed with the stress/strain/ and general disbelief of it all and was only heard from when we were leaving ranting from the top of the stairs about not letting boys within a ten mile radius or there'd be trouble, which was most helpful?!
I then adorned my Friday night chauffeurs hat and left the motley crew off at their desired destination.
I've decided to write about this now as I haven't picked them up yet and seriously don't want to turn into my mother with my disbelief at what 'young people' (oh dear...too late...I'm there already) are wearing or not wearing these days! Dropping them off was enough and I was already in danger of screwing down the window and enquiring if a few aspiring disco goers had got dressed in the dark or basically had come from homes where their mothers were blind???? In my day (oops there I go again) you would have been 'kilt' (sorry killed) for parading yourself in such a way!
It will be interesting to see what I'll be blogging about tomorrow! If I ignore the subject altogether you can presume one of two things I am either too traumatised to discuss it or have decided to relive my teenage years and embrace the fact that my daughter is simply going to be a woman of the world at a much younger age than me!!
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek...have to go...trauma is settling in already.
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