Hello friends,
It is eight minutes past seven on a Saturday morning and all my children (including the mad three year old) and my other half are asleep. I hear you asking the question...then please do tell us why you are up at this ungodly hour and not enjoying the peace in you bed?
I didn't actually sleep badly last night, if truth be told, which is quite a rare occurence for me as I have never been the world's best or heaviest sleeper. Drop a pin on the carpet in a room two miles away and I'm likely to sit bolt upright in bed looking startled and wondering who let the bomb off! I also detest snoring (and the grinding of teeth) cue everyone to look in Philip's direction and give him a foul look as he is guilty of both (sometimes at the same time which is no mean feat but not a party piece to be admired either...believe me!)
When I can't sleep I normally write (which is precisely why I'm talking to you now!) and most of my creativity with regards to my novels takes place when everyone else is 'out cold'. Although I do appreciate getting some work done I am so envious of those people who can sit on a sofa and 'nod off' (everyone look at Philip again please!) as nothing in the world would be less likely to happen to me! If any of my family were to come in and find me snoozing on the sofa I have a feeling that emergency services might recieve a frantic call and mirrors would be getting used to check for breathing!
Of course when the crazy toddler (did I say that out loud...) sorry I mean when my darling little daughter appears at the top of the stairs in approximately half an hour demanding breakfast and Fireman Sam and not necessarily in that order then I'll be tired and bed will seem like the most attractive place in the world but as with everything else on Murphy's list of warped laws by then it will be too late...the day will have started and the cycle will begin again!
'Philip stop snoring NOW....grrrrrr.'
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