Fiona Cassidy

Fiona Cassidy
Author, Mother, Thirty Something...

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Bumps and Queues...

Well as you may have guessed already from my first post there is a little something on the horizon in the form of a new baby which will please God be making an appearance sometime at the start of March...on my daddy's birthday to be exact...although probably not because once the doctor gives you a date your baby must be straining to listen from within the womb, tugging on the cord and laughing manically whilst plotting to arrive either unexpectedly early or stress inducingly late!!!

I went to my 'booking in' appointment at my local hospital today and Philip came with moan, yap and generally give out about the length of the queue, how many men weren't there (whilst he was) and the fact that he couldn't smoke exactly where he was sitting! More than once I had to give him 'the look'. Ye know the one ladies, where you fix your man with a stare that would cauterise metal and hope that he gets the hint and shuts the feck up!

'Why did they tell you to be here at 2.00 when they've no intention of taking you?' himself grumbled as if he was the one battling morning sickness (a term that must have been developed by a man because its not true), the urge to go to the toilet every five seconds and a hunger for tomato soup which vanished the minute we left the hospital!!

'Because that's the time the clinic starts dear and I'm sure they're doing their best and not creating a delay just to specifically annoy you!' I sigh in frustration wishing I had left him at home or at work (wherever he was quietest!)

Eventually I am called and have the pleasure of being poked, prodded, pricked (steady on), weighed, measured and grilled about my family history which was difficult as I don't have any...poor adopted child you see! This was a rather unusual answer, however, and one that their computer was unwilling to accept...obviously they don't deal with too many orphans then?!

That whole exercise took the guts of an hour and by the time I got back to the waiting area, complete with puncture holes and pregnancy pack, himself, was doing a good impression of a Rotweiller sucking a stewed lemon!

Suddenly we are called into another room where we see the doctor and again we talk about my pregnancy history, including the fact that we lost a baby last year, and suddenly himself stops manically time watching and becomes the man I love as he grips my hand and reassures me that my scan will be perfect!

The doctor applies the jelly and all of a sudden out of the darkness of my insides being monitored I see my tiny baby doing a double pike somersault whilst using the wall of my uterus as a spring board....and at that point I know and Philip knows (even though he won't admit it) that if we had had to wait ten hours that it would have been worth it!

He still maintains that there's no way he's coming to the next one...we'll see?!

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